Our mission

While cybernetics typically refers to prosthetics, hearing implants, enhanced vision, and expanded sensory capabilities, we aim to use cybernetic replacements not for these purposes primarily, but rather to escape aging and death.

To achieve this, we have mapped out a critical path of key enabling technologies, some already maturing in the broader industry. These technologies also possess independent commercial potential, offering incentives for their advancement beyond our specific objectives. We focus our internal research and development on understudied technologies, addressing essential gaps that are crucial to realize our long-term goals.

We recognize that our internal efforts alone will not suffice. To fully realize our vision, we must integrate with other advancing technologies—such as robotics and advanced automation. By aligning our developments with these parallel efforts, we aim to establish a coherent, comprehensive path toward the realization of the cyberhuman concept.

North Stars

Over time, we envision this progression unfolding in three distinct phases. Each will mark a new era in human evolution.


Metabolic support of disembodied head can prevent mortality in 90% of cases and extend average lifespan

Achievable in 10-15 yrs

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Brain in a vat

Isolated brain in homeostasis connected to FullSence BCI and controlling a VR or real-world avatar

Achievable in 20-30 yrs

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Consciousness Compatible Prosthetics that progressively replace brain tissue can facilitate merger with AI

Achievable in 30-50 yrs

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A journey built on commercially viable milestones, each bringing us closer to realizing our North Star vision

North Star 1 - Cyberbody

Ninety percent of deaths (61 million out of 68 million annually) are caused by failures outside the brain. A cyberbody has the potential to bridge the gap between our current average lifespan and the maximum possible lifespan, preserving life when medicine can no longer offer a solution.

While a fully functional cyberbody isn’t achievable yet, the foundational "brick" technologies must first be invented and then seamlessly integrated. Each of these components also holds significant standalone value and is already in demand in various markets.

View current state of science

North Star 2 - Brain in a vat

Advanced FullSense neural interfaces—encompassing auditory, visual, mimicry, sensorimotor, olfactory, and gustatory functions—enable a revolutionary shift in human existence. An isolated brain supported by these interfaces could inhabit a richly immersive virtual reality alongside peers or control a real-world avatar with minimal latency.

This setup not only offers protection from accidents and maybe even global catastrophes, but also delivers a quality of life that exceeds our current capabilities.

View current state of neural interfaces

North Star 3 - Merger

While the Cyberbody and brain in a vat eliminate all failures that can occur in the body below the head, some mortality risks remain in the head tissues due to intrinsic aging processes. To safeguard against aging, we can migrate our minds to a synthetic medium.

The concept of mind uploading through neural interfaces or connectome reconstruction struggles to withstand scrutiny. A more realistic approach involves developing brain-compatible synthetic tissues that can be seamlessly integrated with the biological brain. Over time, this gradual integration would enable the synthetic components to take over, eventually surpassing the biological brain in functionality and importance, effectively replacing it.

This is premised on the idea that the synthetic substrate preserves our conscious experience. This leads us to Objective X: conducting experiments to explore and validate theories of consciousness.

Objective X:
Conciousness theories &

Solve death with synthetic replacements

We unite scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs and investors who seek to prolong and enhance human existence


© Sciborg DAO 2024

Solve death with synthetic replacements

We unite scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs and investors who seek to prolong and enhance human existence


© Sciborg DAO 2024

Solve death with synthetic replacements

We unite scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs and investors who seek to prolong and enhance human existence


© Sciborg DAO 2024

Solve death with synthetic replacements

We unite scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs and investors who seek to prolong and enhance human existence


© Sciborg DAO 2024